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How It Works

Django Front End Validators validates your form inputs as-you-type using the same validation logic specified in your model field's validators. It plays nicely with native HTML5 input validation, too.

The heavy lifting of converting model field validators from Python to JavaScript is performed by Transcrypt using the transpile_validators managment command.


Let's say you've got this validator on a field called email:

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

def validate_no_gmail_siblings(value):
    if '+' in value and value.endswith(''):
        raise ValidationError(
            "Please use your plain Gmail address"

When the field is rendered in a FrontEndValidatorsModelForm, it will look like this:

<input type="email" name="email" data-validators="[validators.validate_no_gmail_siblings]">

A JavaScript plugin included with the {% front_end_validators_js %} template tag checks the input value against the validators listed in data-validators in an oninput event listener, providing real-time feedback.

If the value fails the validators.validate_no_gmail_siblings check, a custom validation error message is added to the field using the HTML5 Constraint API. This prevents the form from being submitted until the validation error is fixed:

Email field with failing no Gmail sibling validator